The Invisible Side Of Ghostwriting

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Normally when I talk about my ghostwriting services with a prospective client, I simplify.

“You talk. I listen. I write it down and clean it up. You look it over and make corrections. And that’s it.”

And very often, that is it. Someone without the time or skills to undertake a large writing project finds me, and tells me they want to write a book. We sit down and talk through a subject they know or what they want to say. If it looks ...

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Skinner For Beginners

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I’ll be giving a set of five lectures on B. F. Skinner, Applied Behavior Analysis, and behavior modification at the Osher Institute at RIT starting on January 8, 2019. See the classes and presentations page at or for more details.

Be it noted: attendance is open only to members of the Osher Institute (and select individuals from RIT) and not to the general public.

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A New Short Story Published

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Yes, a new Pascal is on the shelves.  (I say ‘new,’ but it was published traditionally, in an anthology, which is to say I wrote it years ago.)  Still, I’ve heard a few good things said about the new short story, and the anthology as a whole is interesting. Interested readers can get the full Kindle edition for a piddling $2.99.  But (as a special treat for for all you fans of David Pascal out there), click here to download ...

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